Cheap Flights to Copenhagen from Houston

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Copenhagen Flights Shopping Tips

This fare display is useful for identifying general travel periods when cheap flights to Copenhagen (from Houston) might be available, and to provide you with insight on how airlines structure their fares based on travel seasons. We suggest you avoid searching for cheap flights with departures close to major holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, etc. Even though airlines might publish low fares for travel around holidays, such fares are very rarely available for purchase, because airlines try to sell significantly more expensive fares first before releasing the remaining cheap seats, if any, at the very last minute

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From Our Copenhagen Flights Guide: Public Transport


Set down

Taxis can set down passengers outside Terminal 1, Terminal 2 and Terminal 3.

Pick up

Taxis can pick up passengers outside all arrivals areas (Terminal 1 and Terminal 3).

Taxi fares

Taxi fares include VAT and tips, and you can normally pay by credit card.

Taxis to Sweden

There is a taxi rank reserved for taxis to Sweden outside Terminal 3. Danish taxis also accept journeys to Sweden.

By Train

Train tickets

Tickets are available from the DSB ticket office above the railway station in Terminal 3. Tickets and travel cards (for the Copenhagen and Northern Zealand HT-zone) are also available from ticket machines in the station area.

How to take the train to and from Copenhagen Airport

The ticket office is located in Terminal 3 above the railway station. There are lifts and travolators between the platforms and Terminal 3. You can take the free shuttle bus which runs between Terminal 1 and Terminal 3, where the station is located. The busride lasts about 5 minutes.


To/from Frequency Arrival at CPH Departure from CPH

Copenhagen Every 10 minutes Platform 1 Platform 2

Elsinore Every 20 minutes Platform 1 Platform 2

Bornholm 4-5 times per day Platform 2 Platform 1

Other Denmark Train change Platform 1 Platform 2


To/from Frequency Arrival at CPH Departure from CPH

Malmö Every 20 minutes Platform 2 Platform 1

Ystad 4-5 times per day Platform 2 Platform 1

Göteborg/Kalmar Every second hour Platform 2 Platform 1

Other Sweden Train change Platform 2 Platform 1


Bus no. 12 Copenhagen Airport (Kobenhavns Lufthavn) – Islev, Viemosevej

Copenhagen Airport (International) - Hedegaardsvej - Engvej - Amagerbrogade - Islands Brygge st. -Radhuspladsen - Vesterport st. - Fuglebakken st. - Vanlose, Alekistevej - Jyllingevej - Islev st. - Islev, Viemosevej

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> /

Bus no. 30 Copenhagen Airport (Kobenhavns Lufthavn), – Vesterport st.

Copenhagen Airport (International) - Post Danmark – Dragor, A.P. Mollers Alle - Dragor stationsplads - Store Magleby - Tommerup - Tarnby st. – Englandsvej - Bella Center st. - Sluseholmen – Sydhavns Plads – Fisketorvet, Dybbolsbro - Central Station, Tivoli – Vesterport st.

Information om koretider:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> /

36 Lufthavnen, Udenrigs – Noragersmindevej

Copenhagen Airport (International) - Korsvejens Skole - Tarnby st. - Noragersmindevej

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> /

Bus no. 96N Copenhagen Airport (Kobenhavns Lufthavn) – Farum st./Slangerup Rutebilstation

Copenhagen Airport, International (Kobenhavns Lufthavn, Udenrigs) - Englandsvej, Vandtarnet - Vejlands Alle -Islands Brygge st. - Radhuspladsen - Norreport st. -Jagtvej - Budding Torv - Bagsvard Torv - Skovbovanget - Varlose st. - Farum Midtpunkt - Farum st. - Lillevangsvej - Lyngeparken - Slangerup Rutebilstation

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> /

Bus no. 250S Copenhagen Airport (Kobenhavns Lufthavn) – Buddinge st.

Copenhagen Airport, International (Kobenhavns Lufthavn,Udenrigs) - Skottegardsskolen - Sundbyvester Plads - Amagerbro st. - Hovedbanegarden, Tivoli - Radhuspladsen - Bellahoj - Hoje Gladsaxe - Buddinge st.

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> /

Bus no. 888 - Copenhagen Airport (Kobenhavns Lufthavn) – Arhus

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

Bus no. 999 Grahundbus

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

Copenhagen Airport (Kobenhavns Lufthavn) – Sweden (Sverige)

Information about timetables:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

Swebus Express:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

Säfflebussen:" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

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Chance of Precip.: 2 %
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